A Little Bit of Trivia Questions
Place your mouse over the ball for the answer
Who played the bad guy intent on
bringing back a specimen in the 1986 movie, Aliens?
What 1991 movie starring Kathy
Bates had the tagline: "The secret of life? The
secret's in the sauce"?
Katherine Hepburn played Eleanor
of Aquataine in what 1968 movie?
In what 1998 movie does Bruce Willis play an
outcast FBI agent who is
assigned to protect a nine-year-old child?
What 1972 movie did Wes Craven
direct that was about the escaped convict Krug and his
What 1995 movie starring Morgan Freeman and
Brad Pitt is about two detectives on a hunt for a serial
In what 1990 movie did Edward reply,
"976-BABE," after a lady at the polo field had
said, "She's wonderful! Where did you find
What actress who also appeared in Dune
played the saloon owner in
What 1997 movie had the tagline:
"Protecting the earth from the scum of the
What was the nickname of John Malkovich's
character, Cyrus Grissom, in the 1997 movie, Con Air?
Little Bit Of Entertainment
Summer is a good time for escapes, but
escapes don't always have to be expensive. An
air-conditioned movie theater is a great place on a
sultry summer afternoon. Renting movies and watching them
in the comfort of your own home is another option. Below
are some links for movie information:
Siskel And Ebert
All-Movie Guide
Internet Movie
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Blockbuster Homepage
If you're on AOL, try Movies Now Playing for current movie
information: http://aolsvc.aol.com/entertainment/movies/main.adp
Other Bits.....
Myths, Hoaxes, and Urban Legends
We all get them - those e-mails warning us
of dire happenings to our computers, our credit cards, or
even our physical well-being. Which ones are true and
which are fake? Before clogging someone's mail with a
warning, check it out to be absolutely sure it isn't just
another rumor.
Computer Virus Myths home page
CIAC Internet Hoaxes
Urban Legends and Folklore - Home Page
Korova Multimedia § Hoax du Jour
If you're a member of AOL, there's a great site at KEYWORD:
Why is
"Kansas" City in Missouri?
Oh well, its bright and sunny there too.