This month, The Yenta would like to
find out a little bit about her readers. Below
you will find 2 possible answers for each
question. Please choose one and send your email
reply to AsktheYenta@aol.com by
September 15 for future publication. Feel free to
enter an alternate choice if neither fits your
personality. Thanks
1. Hard cover book or paperback
2. Time magazine or People magazine
3. The mountains or the beach
4. eating out or eating in
5. talking on the phone or talking in person
6. shop til you drop or wear what you got
7. eternal love or seasonal flings
8. Bush Jr. or Gore
9. pasta or paté
10. The Concorde Jet or The Pacific Princess
(cruise ship)
Thanks bubbelahs! 'Til next time be
good to your mamas and
don't forget your hanky!
The Yenta
Got a problem? Ask The Yenta!
Email: AskTheYenta@aol.com