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Todays Tour Guide: Bun Bunz
No one will ever be able to pinpoint what
makes Jerusalem so special. The mountains, the wind, the
extraordinary light may be part of it. Three thousand
years ago, King David, the beloved warrior-psalmist of
the Bible made Jerusalem his capital. Perhaps he saw the
poetry of the place as it was then. The Gihon Spring
flowed through a paradise of gardens nestled at the foot
of the Kidron Valley. From there a long narrow ridge rose
steeply northward, filled with stone houses perched
precariously on its sides; at the top of the ridge,
seeming to hang in the heavens, was the threshing floor
of Araunah, which David purchased as the site of the
Temple his son, Solomon, would one day build. Overlooking
everything were the vast groves of the Mount of Olives,
an ocean of silver leaves shimmering in the sun and wind,
the source of the city's wealth and also the gateway to
the sun, which rose over its ridge. From the crest of the
Mount of Olives, the view opened onto the desert, which
stretched over barren mountains and down steep wadis
eastward to the Dead Sea. Into this wilderness, with
great ceremony, the scapegoat was released each year,
carrying with it Jerusalem's sins. Mount of Olives For more info on tourism in Israel, go to: |