With the warmer weather coming, you may wish
to plan a backyard birthday party for your child. Here
are some great tips and ideas for a super party for 8 or
more children.
Grounds Crew: Clean-up
It helps to start with a mowed lawn.
Use a pet scooper if necessary.
If you're playing on a hard surface, sweep your game
Safety First!
Check for sprinkler heads!
If your backyard has sprinklers in the play area, you'll
want to make sure that no one trips or gets hurt on one.
If you have bright colored paper cups or even rags, use
them as markers to make the sprinklers stand out more.
Check for other hazards rocks, glass etc.
Clear any equipment or furniture that might be in the
Get positioned
Before you start, make sure your game is not directed
towards windows and other breakables.
Pet Rules
If you have a backyard pet, you'll need to have every
player agree to "Backyard Pet Rules" before you
start your game! You'll want to make sure that your pet
is out of the way and does not get hurt.
Natural Objects
Using natural obstacles can be part of the fun. For
instance, there is little chance that you can do much
a steep slope in your yard. But, why not make it part of
the game?
Bubble Trouble
Each participant creates a bubble wand by unwrapping his
or her coat hanger and making a loop at the end small
enough to fit into the pie pan. Bend the excess hanger so
there is no sharp end to stick anyone. Mix together a
couple of tablespoons of liquid detergent and
approximately 1 cup of water (experiment with the amount
of water to dish detergent based on the size of your
container). Use the homemade bubble wand to dip into the
mixture and blow bubbles The participant who can make the
biggest bubble wins.
Players stand in a circle facing each other about 1-2
feet apart. A player on one side takes
the larger ball, while a player on the opposite side
starts with the smaller ball. At the same time, the
players start to pass the balls to the player on their
left as fast as possible. The players must try to make
one ball catch up with the other ball. If a ball is
dropped, play starts from the beginning. For larger
groups use more balls, and every time a ball catches up
with another use one less ball.
Dont Pop The
Each player gets some shaving cream to lather a blown up
balloon, and a plastic knife or straw. Players must
attempt "to shave" the shaving cream off the
balloon using the plastic knife or straw, without popping
it. The player who can "shave" the balloon
clean (without it popping) wins.
Dress Down Derby
Divide each team into two groups. Then, divide each team
into two sub-groups. The two subgroups from each team
should stand a short distance apart and face each other.
Place a suitcase of clothes in front of the first player in a subgroup from each
team. On the caller's signal, the first person opens the
suitcase and starts to put on all the clothes, being sure
to tie the shoes and button any buttons. When the player
is dressed, he or she closes the suitcase and runs the
short distance to the first person in the other subgroup.
Once there, the dressed-up player removes the clothes and
places them in the suitcase. The next person who is
waiting then repeats the whole procedure, getting dressed
and running across to the next player in line. The
winners are the team that everyone has dressed and
undress first. What you need to play: 2 hats; 2 pairs of
adult-size pants; 2 pairs of adult-size shoes; 2
suitcases. Add items such as socks, wigs or gloves to
make it more challenging for older children.
Balloon Race
Divide up the group of players into teams of two each.
Set up all of the players at a designated starting line.
Each pair (or team) will receive one half-inflated
balloon. The pairs will be working together as teams to
get to the finish line -- while holding the balloon
together between their two shoulders -- as quickly as
possible. An observer or parent blows the whistle to
start the race. The pairs race to the finish line but are
not allowed to touch the balloon with their hands. Pairs
MUST hold the balloon between their two shoulders using
cooperation as they move toward the finish line.
Bean Heads
Designate a start line and an end line at opposite side
of the play area. Players line up in two teams behind the
start line. The first player in each line must put a bean
bag on their head and run from the start to the end line
and back - without using their hands. If the bean bag
falls off of their head, they must return to the start
line and begin again. When the player makes it back to
the start line they hand off the bean bag to the next
player and that player must run to the end line and back
and so on until all the players on team have finished the
race. The first team to get through all of their players,
Here is a list of more timeless games that surely
dont need explaining:
On A Spoon Relay
Pass The Orange
Tug Of War
Dodge Ball |
Wheelbarrow Races
Musical Chairs
Bobbing for Apples |