HOT off the
Press: |
Me Music, Its Mine.
Ok, I HATE these commercials. First of all Charlotte Got Chocolate Milk?
I have really enjoyed all the Got Milk? ads,
from the billboards to the tv commercials. Recently the
first tv ad for chocolate Read the book? No, I will wait
for the movie. So when are the three
network made for TV movies about Elian Gonzalez coming
out? I mean if Amy Fisher gets three, certainly Elian
will too. I shall be highly disappointed if all I get to
watch is the over-extended drama that his family is
putting the nation through on every news report,
everyday, for 6 months. I mean darn. That just isnt
enough. If you dont normally check out the websites
I provide with my commentaries, you really should check
this one out: Change Of Heart.
Ok I love game shows, but this is ridiculous. Have you
seen this stupid show? There are two couples per show,
each at crossroads in their relationship. So,
each member of said couple is set up on a date with a
romantic match. Then they each report back to
the host, in front of their partner, about every detail
of the date. Then at the end of the show, each person is
given the opportunity to say if they want to stay with
their partner, or have had a change of heart (not
neccessarily wanting to be with the new person they just
dated, but at least DONT want to be with their old
partner). Ok this show is sick. Who thinks of these
things? Former Jerry Springer guests? Hello Seattle, Im
listening! Well we wont see Dr.
Frasier Crane at the |